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Midterm and Final Exam in Universitas Brawijaya


All of these problems were taken from the exam at Universitas Brawijaya. Provided bahasa only. If you're on mobile and it cannot be downloaded, then use a browser other than Chrome. If that still doesn't work, use a laptop or PC.

Contest Collections


Contains problems and solutions from several contests. Provided bahasa only. If you're on mobile and it cannot be downloaded, then use a browser other than Chrome. If that still doesn't work, use a laptop or PC.

Olympiad Reading Material


These handouts are intended for senior high school olympiads and will be updated if necessary. If you're on mobile and it cannot be downloaded, then use a browser other than Chrome. If that still doesn't work, use a laptop or PC.


Indeks Wiener dari Graf Identitas dan Graf Pangkat pada Grup Siklis Berhingga

Published in Syntax Literate, 2024

An identity graph for a group is defined as a graph with a set of points consisting of group elements and two points connected by an edge if the product is an identity element or exactly one of the two points is an identity element in the group. A power graph of a group is defined as a graph with a set of points consisting of elements of the group and two points connected by an edge if one point can be written as a power of another point. In this research, we examine the formulation of the Wiener index for identity graphs and power graphs in finite cyclic groups. The results of the Wiener index formulation from identity graphs are divided into cyclical groups of order 1, odd order more than 1 and even order, while the power graph focuses on cyclic groups with the exponent of prime numbers and the product of two different primes.

Recommended citation: Darmajid, et al. (2024). "Indeks Wiener dari Graf Identitas dan Graf Pangkat pada Grup Siklis Berhingga." Syntax Literate. 9(7).
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Introducing About Mathematical Olympiad to Teachers in Lampung

Community Service, Yayasan Fatimah Az Zahra Lampung, 2022

Participating in the community service program, Dosen Berkarya, with Dr. Darmajid S.Si.,M.Si. and Dra. Andari, MS. for two days. Lecturing for teachers in Lampung on junior and senior high school about mathematical olympiads.

Lecturer’s Assistant and Peer Tutor

Teaching, Universitas Brawijaya, Mathematics Department, 2023

From September - November 2023, I became an assistant lecturer of Calculus I. I also became a peer tutor for the preparation for the midterm and final exam from 2022 until now.