Introducing About Mathematical Olympiad to Teachers in Lampung

Community Service, Yayasan Fatimah Az Zahra Lampung, 2022

Participating in the community service program, Dosen Berkarya, with Dr. Darmajid S.Si.,M.Si. and Dra. Andari, MS. for two days. Lecturing for teachers in Lampung on junior and senior high school about mathematical olympiads.

What did I do?

In this program, I managed to teach and assist my lecturer when teaching (as long as I didn't have another schedule). For senior high school, I teach about geometry and combinatorics: congruent and similarity of triangles, addition and multiplication principles. For junior high school, I teach about algebra and number theory: inequality and divisibility. The audience is very enthusiastic, especially when I talk about the divisibility of integers when divided by \(3\), \(4\), \(7\), \(9\), \(11\), and \(13\). They found a new trick on how to check this divisibility by using their property.

When I teach about divisibility

Met Old Competitor

On Day 2, unexpectedly I met an old competitor when I was in senior high school, Denzel Elden Wijaya (now he takes an undergraduate at NTU). He was a strong competitor in the math olympiad. Shortly, now we know each other (I'm sure we have known each other previously, but never interacted).

Take a picture together with my lecturers, new friends, and teachers