I am Wildan (some call me Bagus), a third-year undergraduate math student at Universitas Brawijaya, East Java, Indonesia. I'm from Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.
In general, I am interested in algebra, especially abstract algebra; analysis, especially real analysis and complex analysis. On the mathematics olympiad (for senior high school) interested in geometry, especially Euclidean geometry.
I am already interested in mathematics at junior high school. Geometry is the first place of my reason why I like mathematics. The real reason I don't know either, but to me, it just seemed more interesting than algebra, number theory, and combinatorics. When I was in junior high school, I was already interested in books by Evan Chen, Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiad and made me more interest to geometry.
In 2023 and 2024 I became jury's assistant in the Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN), the most prestigious science olympiad in Indonesia. This event is held by the Pusat Prestasi Nasional every year. In addition, I also became a teaching assistant in preparation for the 2024 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the most prestigious mathematical olympiad in the world.
I also became a gold medalist at Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Perguruan Tinggi (ONMIPA-PT) 2023, a mathematical olympiad for undergraduate students, held by the Pusat Prestasi Nasional.
Q: Is Muhammad Jilan Wicaksono your brother?
A: No.